Thursday, October 8, 2009

Beehive Hairdo back in fashion! The Apatosaurus was purple!

HORRORSCOPE (10-08-09) You have a dedicated passion to eagerly pursue enthusiasm with a zealous fervor! If you feel that the Earth sucks, it's most likely just gravity pulling. Wash your new pants before you wear them---Remember, good jeans come to those who fade. Good shapes come to those who lathe. Tub rings come to those who bathe. Good strings strum to those who play. Good weaves come to those who braid. Good links come to those who chain. Good swings come to those who sway. Good rinks come to those who skate. Good tips come to those who wait. Good fees come to those who rate. Spending money frivolously will affect your value system. You may be allergic to bees if you break out in hives...

TODAY'S FUN DINOSAUR FACT: SAUROPODS, which includes, among others, the APATOSAURUS (formerly known as The Brontosaurus) and the BRACHIOSAURUS, are now believed to have been purple in color, and communicated by utilizing a high-pitched bark!

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