Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

They were the METALLICA of their day!

HORRORSCOPE (12-17-09) Do unto yourself as you’d have them unto you. Ride to the 99th floor to elevate your self-esteem. Never decide until you make up your mind. Your mind is not focused on your work right now---hopefully you’re not an airline pilot…

TODAY'S FUN FACT: Neanderthral vegetarians starved to death...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Talentless Asswipes Win Grammy! (insert date of choice here)

HORRORSCOPE (12-12-09) There's only 1104 more days until the end of the world as we know it. And here I always thought the end of the world was when Milli Vanilli won the Grammy for Best New Artist in 1990...


Thursday, December 10, 2009


HORRORSCOPE (12-10-09) If you live in the greater Chicagoland area, you may consider staying indoors until April 23rd. Historically on this date, the temperatures average a range of 54 to 56 degrees in the Northern Illinois province. At this time, the chances of lingering snow in your driveway hits a normal low of 1%. This will be a perfect opportunity for you to venture outdoors, get some supplies and retrieve your mail...

TODAY'S FUN FACT: Snow has been radioactive since 1945 and should never be ingested.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Stuck by the woods on a snowy evening...

HORRORSCOPE (12-09-09) If you wait long enough before you shovel the snow from your driveway, chances are it will eventually melt. Don't let sitting down stand in your way. Today, Mercury will be hiding behind Venus and Mars, but don't tell Pluto or Donald Duck. Bring your life into focus by wearing your glasses.

TODAY'S FUN FACT: The temperature of our Sun is well over one thousand degrees!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Sphinxter the Sphinx and his Santa Hat!

HORRORSCOPE (12-07-09) There's 383 days left until Christmas 2010 and already the stores have Christmas decorations displayed! History is a thing of the past. Speaking of bad Christmas gifts, an "Etch a Sketch" is for people who long to draw like they've been lobotomized...

TODAY'S FUN FACT: Driving automobiles on frozen lakes is legal in Minnesota.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Binge Drinking and Skydiving outlawed in most states!

HORRORSCOPE (12-05-09) Change is in the air but you could use dollar bills more. Avoid arguments that can lead to disagreements. Pull your act together but don't be pushy. Today is Repeal Day. On December 5, 1933---the 21st Amendment was ratified, prohibition ended and Americans once again had the right to a celebratory libation or three or thirty...

TODAY'S FUN FACT: The FAA has determined that binge drinking and skydiving can be a lethal combination...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

If the Aunt Jemymah Ruins predict our demise, perhaps I will buy a new car in 2012.

HORRORSCOPE (12-03-09) Today is December 3rd---the 337 day of the year if you're a chanting Gregorian. That means there's only 28 days left in the year, which divided by four equals 7, which is the amount of days in a week and a prime number! Amazing stuff. Mathematicians are the best problem solvers. If the world ends in the movie "2012," then we should be spared a sequel? I haven't seen it...

TODAY'S FUN FACT: Siamese twins feel a strong attachment to one another...